
Q. About the Blue Tree Foundation

A. The Blue Tree Foundation, found by a father who lost his son who had suffered from school violence, is the first non-profit organization in South Korea to raise awareness on school violence issues. The foundation has prevention and treatment of school violence as its main objective. It is a youth NGO officially granted a special consultative status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Q. Where are the donations used?

A. The donations are used for the activities to prevent and treat school(cyber) violence.

  • School(Cyber) violence Counseling
    - 55,137 cases/year School(Cyber) violence dispute settlement & emergency call
    -9,437 cases/year

    School(Cyber) violence counseling, counseling and reconciliation mediation, and providing professional help to children in desperate situations.

  • Supporting cure and funeral expenses to the School(Cyber) violence victims

    upport 2,000 students in school violence scholarship

    Supporting medical expenses and funeral expenses to the children and families of school violence victim children who are in financial difficulties and provide scholarships.

  • School(Cyber) violence preventive education attendance
    - 300,384 people Campaigns implemented
    - 2,500 times

    Providing preventive education to prevent school(cyber) violence and Conducting a non-violent cultural movement campaign online and offline.

Q. Why should we join Non-violence Support Signature?

A. Individual can never solve the violence problem. Regardless of age and sex, we all should realize how severe the violence problem is. If we could change into proactive preventers first, the world will be able to change after us. The BTF have worked and will work hard to speak to government and international organizations, on behalf of all of you. All the members of the BTF are looking forward to your support and participation to make the non-violent world together.

Q. Are the donations used transparently?

A. Finances of the BTF are composed of support funds from government, intergovernmental organization and donations from private sponsors, foundations, and enterprises. Every year, the BTF has been thoroughly overseen from the accounting firm which is among the top ten in Korea. Resulting in transparent operation, the BTF won the 5th Sam-il Transparency Awards for NPO for a youth field in 2013. Also, the BTF uncases total fundraising and the detailed list of support every year through annual report.

Support Signature

I won’t ignore youth’s messages
asking for help from

Save our children from
cyber hell, the invisible violence

Youth violence is getting worse and the assailants’ age is getting lower.
Especially, it is spreading throughout cyberspace.

In fact, more than 50% of recent calls to the Blue Tree Foundation’s
School violence counseling office are related to cyber violence.

Cases of cyber Violence

  • Case1
  • Case2
  • Case3

Six months ago, one of the male seniors (second and third grade in high school) sent a sexual message “I want to XXX you” to victim’s account. Later the victim found out the message, and he admitted to his mistake, too. However, still irritated, she spoke some bad words of the seniors. Knowing that, they captured A’s profile picture and uploaded it with comments like “find this Fxxx”, “Let’s go XXX this Fxxx” in their Facebook account. They continuingly texted and called her, “Come out and apologize to us face to face. If you don’t show up, I’ll break your bones.” In this situation, she asked for counseling and help to the BTF.

- Excerpts from 1588-9128 counseling call by the Blue Tree Foundation.

A(sophomore of high school, female) met B(sophomore of high school, male) through the ‘AXX’ app that she started for fun. As they got close by talking to each other, B asked A about the size of her body part. Although she expressed displeasure, B kept making sexual comments. Because it was an anonymous SNS, A couldn’t know B’s specific personal information. A asked for counseling and help to report school violence and respond strongly against B.

- Excerpts from 1588-9128 counseling call by the Blue Tree Foundation.

A, a middle school student, received a message with a link from a junior she knew. When she accessed the link, surprisingly, she found someone’s account filled with pictures of A. Someone took the pictures that A posted on SNS and uploaded them as if it were her. A got mad and sent a message to the user of the account about the photo theft. Then the account user just set the account locked and gave no answer. A searched for some ways to report and punish him, but there was no way other than just reporting the account to the customer center. So she asked for counseling and help.

- Excerpts from 1588-9128 counseling call by the Blue Tree Foundation.

※We indicates that the above example is an excerpt from the Blue Tree Foundation case management system and some information, such as name and age, has been adapted.

Just a moment!

Do you know exactly what cyberbullying is?

As society is becoming digitized rapidly,
it is not easy to set the clear concept and
appropriate measures of cyberbullying,
so recent policies and systems are being operated separately.

It is needed to set up national·social legislation and policy system to deal with various kinds of online violence as well as rapidly developing relational violence such as exclusion, bullying, and backbiting.

I will not ignore the children’s message asking for help from cyberbullying.#Stop_Violence

* Among those who have participated in Non-violence Support Signature, 10 people will be drawn every month and get a small gift(badge or doll).

I will not ignore the children’s message asking for help from cyberbullying.#Stop_Violence

* Among those who have participated in Non-violence Support Signature, 10 people will be drawn every month and get a small gift(badge or doll).

Currently 0peoplehave signed the signature.

  • 김주*will not ignore #현실을
  • 안용*will not ignore #당신의 상처를
  • 신다*will not ignore #현실을
  • 공주*will not ignore #청소년 폭력 및 성폭력을
  • 김미*will not ignore #숨어 있는 모든 폭력을
  • 김주*will not ignore #아이들의고통을
  • .


  • Name*
  • E-mail*
  • Phone Number*
  • Message*
    I will not ignore #
  • See more

After signing, it is considered that you agree to the provision of personal information, the provision of third-person information, the Blue Tree Foundation campaign and the receipt of sponsorship news.


Your message will be delivered to the Korean government and UN
with 1,000,000 signatures and will be used in urging the resolution of youth violence problem. ※ The Blue Tree Foundation is a youth NGO which was officially granted a special consultative status by the UN Economic and Social Council in 2009.


Blue Tree grow with the Blue Star

1995’ Sublimating personal pain to social problem resolution agenda, since the time when the term ‘school violence’ was not accepted

2001’ Reporting ‘Research on the Actual Condition of School Violence in Korea’ every year

2004’ Leading the enactment of ‘School Violence Prevention Law’ by petitioning the National Assembly to enact a law, with 47 million signatures

2009’ Officially being granted a special consultative status by the UN Economic and Social Council and working as a domestic&foreign-youth-violence-specialized organization

2012’ Conducting nationwide youth violence prevention street campaign

2016’ Conducting Violence Prevention Personality Education(CEMD) for national soldiers (late adolescents)

2020’ Holding Online forum with RMAF about ‘Protecting youths from cyberbullying’

People participating with us

How to prevent and deal with cyberbullying
More information about the BTF! FAQ
I’d like to help youths who are suffering from cyberbullying!
  • The Blue Tree Foundation
  • Business Registration Number : 105-82-10003
  • Representative : Moon Yonglin
  • Chief Privacy Officer : Kim Changho
  • Email :
  • 88(1~5F), Seocho-daero 46-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 06650
  • Address line : 1566-2, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Phone : 02-585-0098
  • Fax : 02-585-0038
  • Copyright © The Blue Tree Foundation All Right Reserved.
  • Privacy Policy